
Find where to watch your favorite movies

OpenWatch helps you discover where movies and TV shows are streaming across different services. Build with our API to create your own streaming guide.

Example Movie Card

Here's how movie information is displayed using our API

Inception Movie Poster
Inception (2010)
Sci-Fi, Action, Adventure

Available on:

Prime VideoRent $3.99
API Request
Try out the OpenWatch API to get movie streaming availability
  "id": 1,
  "title": "The Avengers",
  "releaseYear": 2011,
  "availability": [
      "streamingService": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Netflix",
        "logoUrl": "logo.png"


Everything you need to build your own streaming guide

Search across multiple streaming services to find where to watch movies and TV shows.
API Access
Build your own applications with our comprehensive API and documentation.
Streaming Data
Get real-time availability data from popular streaming services.